Ham Medley


This recipe could really go either way. It could be edible or really terrible. Cottage Cheese? It’s potentially better than the cream soups that are staples in 20th century casseroles so it’s got me interested to know how this recipe stacks up to Grammie’s other casseroles. The notepaper the recipe is written on has a watermark that can be seen on the other side.  It says “Nekoosa Bond.” I was hoping the type of paper would have helped narrow down the date of the recipe a bit but no luck. According to the Lehman Brothers Collection – Contemporary Business Archives at Harvard University Library, the Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation

“…was a Wisconsin paper company, founded as the Nekoosa Paper Company in 1883. A merger in 1908 created the Nekoosa-Edwards Paper Company. Nekoosa-Edwards expanded into fine paper production in the 1930s, with continued growth through the 1950s.”

It goes on to talk about the evolution of the company into the 1970s. Nakoosa Bond paper and envelopes are still in production and can be bought at some retailers.  Check the Almighty Google for a list.


The ingredients list looked really good for this recipe.  The prep time was a little more involved than just dumping the ingredients in a casserole dish (which is why there are no photos of prep, I was watching the pasta and cooking the celery and onion and had no hands for the camera) and I had to muddle my way through some of the directions, like the pasta instruction.  Grammie wrote, “add 4 cups noodles cooked and drained.” Okay, so did that mean measure 4 cups dry pasta then cook it or did it mean 4 cups of already cooked pasta? I deliberated with the Hubs. And then I winged it.  I cooked 3 cups of dry pasta which turned into way more than 4 cups.  The 4 cups of cooked pasta was plenty. I used Creamette since Grammie referred to the brand in other recipes and I (obviously) know that it was around in her day.

Also, our local Jewel did not have Krafts Cracker Barrel cheese so the Hubs asked around and was told that Kraft medium cheddar was a good substitution. Because this recipe was very specific about the kind of cheese used, I checked out the Kraft website to see if they had a similar recipe and they did!  It’s a paired down version, only uses five ingredients, and all the reviews all said it was too dry but if you want to check it out, click here.



Grammie titled this wonderful photo, “Me in my flower garden.” Grammie and Grampie always had a large garden in their back yard. I wonder if she did much canning? I’ll have to ask her sisters. I don’t remember the garden as much as the grape arbor. I can still taste them.  Every year on Labor Day weekend, my family travels to Grammie’s town for the annual town festival.  We always drive by the old house, which has definitely changed since Grammie and Grampie passed away.  Last year, as we drove by, we saw the owner outside having a cook out and decided to stop and introduce ourselves. The new owners (I call them new but they’ve owned the house since 2004 when they bought it from my father) were so nice.  They showed me where Grampie carved his name into several places in the garage and I talked about the grape arbor.  The man got excited and said it was still there and producing grapes after all these years.  He said that they had just harvested the last bunch the day before and offered them to me.  They tasted exactly how I remembered!  The owners were so sweet and I’m so glad we decided to stop by. I’m going to stop by again this year and see if I maybe I can take a cutting with me.


Final Product



Ham Medley is a good solid recipe.  Well done Grammie! The amount of prep work was totally redeemed by the end product.  The consistency was balanced (not too creamy, not too dry), as was the flavor (not too salty or too plain), and the topping gave a nice little crunch.  Speaking of the topping, the next time I make this (and yes, there will be a next time), I’ll either double the recipe for it or perhaps use Italian seasoned bread crumbs or both.  One thing I did do differently (because I’m an idiot and didn’t see the whole “Bake 350 1 hour” at the top of the recipe) was put the dish under the broiler before I baked it for an hour. Since I made this the same week I made that horrible Chicken Casserole and my Boys prefer chicken over ham, half of this is going straight into the freezer for me to enjoy another time. Yay!

Thanks for stopping by!

Cherry Cream Cheese Pie


I’m really excited about making this dessert.  Ever since that horribly salty Chicken Casserole, I’ve been craving some sweets and I’m hoping that this Cherry Cream Cheese Pie is going scratch that itch.


The ingredients were pretty straightforward, nothing too terribly bad, but I had some trouble with the directions.


Okay, so let me preface this next photo by saying that I’m pretty sure Grammie knew how to make her pie crust correctly but just didn’t bother laying it out in explicit directions. But since I’m trying to follow her directions to a “T,” I made a crust which is not only an embarrassment to myself, my family and, well, everyone else, but the immense shame of what happened in this pie plate is something that will haunt me to the grave. The Hubs begged me not to include the photo.

Patting in the crust just wasn’t working for me.  Can you tell?


Mixing the cream cheese concoction with the whipped cream also gave me some trouble.  There was no “folding in” per se. There just wasn’t enough of the cream cheese mixture to make it something that the whipped cream could fold into.  I tried my best but it didn’t mix very well.  I still licked the spatula and it tasted okay.  Plus, once you slather anything with a can of cherry pie filling, all is forgiven, right? If you look closely at the photo below, you can see some spots of cream cheese mix that didn’t combine with the whipped cream. Another embarrassment. Oh, and I forgot to add the lemon juice.  *sigh*



This photo of Grammie was taken at her sister’s house in California in September 1967. She looks very happy and I absolutely love this photo of her.


The Result



This is so good!  It is light and fresh and not too sweet and I’m totally making this again and I don’t even care that this is a run on sentence. I might just have to rename this recipe Run On Sentence Pie, it’s that good. Now, you all know that after the debacle with the crust, that part of the dessert was not going to be up to snuff but once I took the first bite, all was forgotten (if not forgiven).  The crust, of course, fell apart but the flavor of it was still good.  The Hubs thought the Cherry Cream Cheese Pie was okay but he’s not a sweet eater (and therefore wouldn’t know a good pie if it hit him in the face) and the 12 year old wasn’t thrilled about cherries which means that this whooooooole pie is mine.  Oh yeah.